Get Started With One Of My Programs.


The Inner Power Modality with its Powerful Processes Is The Fastest Way To Remove What's in the Way to Your Success Without Having To Talk About The Past.


If you're not sure on what course would be of benefit to you please reach out to me on [email protected] or reach me directly on 0274 300 626


Heal Your Body Naturally

The reality is every pain has energy attached to it, otherwise we wouldn't feel it. It's the body's response to letting you know it needs to be released/healed. Once we move our focus from pain to a healthier body, the body simple corrects itself.  Just like a cut heals on your finger, healing has a process. Once we tap into the power of that process, the healing magic happens.

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Private Coaching Session 65% Off.

Experience a private 1-on-1 coaching session via Zoom or in-person. Bring what you want to create and shift your biggest internal block.

Whether you have a fear of public speaking, or a form of anxiety or depression, reach out for a confidential session which will include a Superconscious Recode or another powerful process to remove what is holding you back and keeping you stuck. 

Save Over 65% on a 1-on-1 Coaching Session Today!

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Remove Arthritis Naturally & Fast

Our bodies are designed to heal; science and my clients amazing results proves this. I've worked and healed people with all types of Arthritis both in-person and online and the results speak for themselves.

Come and experience this new science backed, healing process that is natural, super effective and easy. No more endless visits to health practitioners, let's get you back to your happiest self and what's most important to you.

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Inner Power 6 Week Coaching Program.

A powerful six week option to experience the Inner Power Processes & Superconscious Rapid Recode. This is a follow up program for those that have experienced an intimate 1-on-1 session and are wanting to ​​remove more sabotaging beliefs​ and have less resistance of fear,​ worry, judgement and frustration.

Learn intuition and your true purpose plus have full access to the online Inner Power Masterclass for life.

* Plus I'll throw in a BONUS 2-Point Healing Session.

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Inner Power 12 Week Coaching Program.

In this powerful 12 week coaching program, I will guide you to remove your self sabotage, limiting beliefs and move you into what you truly desire to achieve. You will learn how to access your Intuition, create your true nature & purpose and have  better health and wellbeing. This is an amazing coaching program for anyone who is wanting to transform their life in a such a short amount of time.

The programme includes lifetime access to the Inner Power online Masterclass and if needed unlimited 2-Point Healing Process's. 

"This is a very powerful coaching program, once you're 3-4 weeks into it, you will look back and wonder where your old self has gone" - Charlie NZ.

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Inner Power Masterclass.

Let me show you how to tap into the power of your principles to connect to the Superconscious part of yourself and release everything and anything that is holding you back and keeping yourself stuck.

Join our like minded private group of creators, with live weekly calls, meditations, workbooks and a ton of recorded content. This is a solid life changing program.

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Inner Power 2-Point Certification

Take your healing business to the next level with this powerful healing modality that heals clients in minutes.

Our bodies are designed to heal ourselves, science proves this. I've used this powerful modality to heal people with arthritis; sports injuries and muscle damage; blocked body chakras which causes you to have low energy and self esteem; back, neck and body pain.

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Inner Power Certification.

Become A Certified Creation Coach in the Powerful Inner Power Modality.

Whether you're looking to become a Certified Coach or add it to what you're already doing this Certification allows you to serve your clients at a higher level while achieving phenomenal results in a shorter time. 

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Become A Powerful Speaker.

By removing your fear and resistance around public speaking, you'll become a powerful communicator both in life and business.

Upon completion of this unique 5 Day Program we will have you confidentially speaking in front of a group, function, have you deliver the perfect presentation and become a powerful communicator with all those around you.

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Creating Video Content With Ease.

By removing your fear and resistance around making video content for your business, you will become a powerful leader in your industry.

Upon completion of this 5 Day Program you will successfully be able to create video content, go live confidentially for your social media channels and develop your own programs and courses for your online business without the feeling of being judged.

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Maximise Your Performance.

Specialised programs tailored to meet your individual, unique requirements from single sportsperson or clubs to large companies or small businesses.

This proven modality offers flexibility from in-house training sessions to online zoom calls and a back up support online Inner Power Transformation Masterclass.

Perfect for teams wanting to have the edge on their competitors with ease or Businesses who want to scale exponentially while becoming the Authority in their field.

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