Accelerate Your Sporting Career By Rewiring Your Superconscious.


Wanting to get maximum accuracy and endurance out of your sports team?

Wanting to experiencing less emotion and feelings of mistakes or loss?

What about having an edge on your competitors and opposition?

This revolutionary neuroscience modality eliminates individuals self sabotaging beliefs and will massively shift a player's performance, their clutch moments and in those crunch times, the edge your team needs.

When doing the Superconscious Rapid Recode, we focus on removing the emotions and feelings from past events in our lives, that haven't served us as a child. When we experience these events we attach pain to the memory, which can get in our way as an adult.

By removing these emotions naturally, the memories we've been holding onto can simply get in the way or cause thoughts of 'not good enough', 'fear of failure', 'not capable' nor 'not worthy'. When we do the work, the memory then turns into wisdom which gives us great foresight and calmness. This then allows us to focus on results we are wanting to achieve.

This six week program will remove the old identity and have you creating what it is you desire. This works perfectly alongside any in-house mindset training you may already have in place and does not interfere. 

Please contact me directly for a confidential appointment at [email protected] or call me directly on 0064 274 300 626.

Let's Do This!


Grow Your Company or Business By Using The Power Of Your Superconscious.


Are you wanting to get more productivity and commitment out of your work staff?

Would you like to increase your profits, authenticity, confidence and consistency?  

Are you noticing that your team are not on board sometimes, maybe they're distracted or simply holding things up. Are they arriving to work late, being non productive and not meeting deadlines? 

Or maybe business is going well and your wanting to take it to the next level?

Either way this ground breaking, revolutionary modality and training program is going to change the structure of your staff's end result which is based around the company's mission statement and values.

We focus on removing self limiting beliefs and bad habits. We focus on ways of BEing, taking action towards the desired reality, the wiliness to all work together in greater harmony and creating a more profitable, healthier environment. 

The outcomes include better punctuality and commitment; self authenticity; productivity; being a team player; enjoyment; taking action; meeting deadlines and creating stronger relationships. The list goes on!

Your next steps are to book in a free consultation session with me at or call me directly on 0064 274 300 626 for a confidential appointment.

I will demonstrate to you how this amazing Superconscious Rapid Recode process works and how it will benefit your Company/Business by giving you the edge. This process has been proven to make a huge difference to a workplace and gives the individuals more self authenticity, which can show an increase in profit by 200 - 400 percent.

Check out the testimonial from Dean in Australia who used this exact process to regain his eyesight in 3 months after being blind for 20 years. 

I look forward to working with you.

Let's Get Started!